Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ambuluwawa | Sri lanka - අම්බුලුවාව


Sri Lanka is considered as an Asian country to contain richest bio-diversity in a single area. Hill Country receives its flowing water from South-west monsoon rains. Ambuluwawa peak situated in the center of Gampola Kingdom established by the great Sinhala King Buvanekabahu IV. Bio-diversity of Sri Lanka is amply exampled in Ambulawa.

According to the researchers there are about 200 varieties of plants belong to 80 families. “Iramusu”, “Muva kiriya” and “nawa handi” are some of known medical plants grown in the area. Ambuluwawa rock summit is surrounded by large number of mountain ranges. The scenic beauty of this summit is breathtaking.

Track of long paddy fields blessed by Mahaweli river adds spices to the beauty of Ambuluwawa.


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