Birds Photos

A Steller's Jay waiting for a handful of peanuts |
A Song Sparrow taking a quick bath |
A Bushtit getting ready to take off after grabbing some suet |
Townsend's and Black-Throated Gray Warblers |
3 Warblers bathing at one time! Orange-Crowned, Black-Throated Gray and Townsend's! |
Same 3 little guys |
3 Black-Throated Gray Warblers at the same time! This was a yard record for us. Normally, we only get one at a time. |
7 Band-Tailed Pigeons in our backyard. They are frequent visitors to our yard. |
This Band-Tailed Pigeon obviously thought he was a House Finch. He kept trying, though. |
A Wilson's Warbler on one of our hikes |
A Hermit Warbler on the same hike |
White-Crowned Sparrow on top of Saddle Mt |
Evening Grosbeaks fighting over some seed. We think that is a House Sparrow in front of them |
An Orange-Crowned Warbler in the yard (not in the living room) |
Evening Grosbeaks gathered for some dinner |
A female Western Tanager grabbing some suet |
Here she is again |
We don't think the Evening Grosbeaks liked sharing, but no body seemed to want to speak up |
A Band-Tailed Pigeon in flight |
Evening Grosbeaks waiting for the bird bath |
Another Evening Grosbeak |
Evening Grosbeaks on the right and a solitary Black-Headed Grosbeak to the far left |
A female Evening Grosbeak |
One of our resident Anna's Hummingbirds in our front yard |
It really likes the maple tree in the front of the house |
Another Anna's eating from the Fringecup |
A beautiful male Robin |
A Yellow-Rumped warbler pretending to be a hummingbird |
Yellow-Rumped Warbler grabbing some suet |
Every spring we get Anna's Hummingbirds grabbing bits of dryer lint for their nesting material |
We were really glad we stopped! This is a Horned Grebe in breeding plumage just off of the dock.
A small flock of Black Turnstones. This is the only photo we got but they are another life list bird for us!

Another great find for us was this Red-Breasted Merganser. Yet another life lister.